AssetWise Implementation Guide

To Modify the List of Allowable File Types

To be able to add a file to a community, the file must be of a type specified in the list of allowable file types (Maintain List Values > Electronic File Format). In a new datasource/community, this list is automatically populated with common file types. This ensures that a wide range of files can be added to the system with no additional configuration required by the administrator.

You only need to modify this list if you need to remove a file type (to prevent users from adding files of that type to the community), or if you have some custom file type that you need to add.

  1. Open the System Admin tab (View > System Administration).
  2. Set Global as the default scope.
  3. Click the Maintain List Values icon .
  4. Select Electronic File Format.

    The Electronic File Format tab opens in the Content pane.

  5. To remove an entire file format, click the Delete icon at the end of the row.
  6. To remove an extension from a list of extensions, go to the row you want to edit, click in the File Extension field, and delete the extension, then the Save icon at the end of the row.
  7. To add a new file format, scroll down to the next available row and do the following:
    1. Click in the File Extension field and enter the file format's extension(s), including the dot. For example .XYZ. If you want to associate multiple extensions to a single application, enter them all on the same line without spaces. For example: .ABC.XYZ
    2. Click in the Application Name field and enter the file format's native application.
    3. Click in the Mime Type field and enter the file format's MIME type.
    4. Click the Save icon at the end of the row.
Tip: If you are adding or modifying multiple file formats, you can save each row individually, or you can save all your changes at once using the Save icon in the main toolbar.
Note: AssetWise is designed to detect which software applications are related to each MIME type as defined in the Windows operating system.
Note: Files cannot be added to the community unless they are of a type specified in this list. However, you can configure AssetWise to allow files with unidentifiable extensions by adding a new file format, where the extension is added to the File Extension field, and the Application Name and Mime Type fields are defined as APPLICATION/X-UNKNOWN.